Mission of the Institute

The mission of the Intractability Studies Institute is to create and publish solutions for the most intractably difficult challenges known, and in some cases unknown.


The Institute provides solutions to intractably hard challenges either as a benefit to humanity, such as saving lives and property, or for the sheer pleasure of solving an extremely difficult challenge. The Institute likes a good challenge. We get bored if we work on trivial challenges.

The Institute research methodology.

The Intractable Studies Institute research methodology is uncommon. Instead of the traditional scientific research method, here is what we do and why. We identify a problem that needs a solution. If we have a solution, we design it and publish the Communication. If we think that with some brainstorming we can solve it, we commence brainstorming. We use our own proprietary brainstorming method which as you can see is demonstrated to have tremendously good results. As a general rule we think we can solve just about anything, so both of these cases end up being the ones we use.

In both cases we rarely rely on what others have done. This is shunned in normal science, but the Institute is not constrained by normal science. We are free to use this break-away strategy to go down paths which science won't tread. This is the technique used for the Theory Of Everything solution we came up with on our own and it is original. This pattern is repeated and is now the standard Institute method. As for why, we do this because we are satisfied with the results! At the Institute we think any criticism of this approach would be appropriate ONLY if the track record of our Institute is matched with similar results.

Don't knock us till you can beat us! - Director.